API Documentation

To connect to a InfluxDB, you must create a InfluxDBClient object. The default configuration connects to InfluxDB on localhost with the default ports. The below instantiation statements are all equivalent:

from influxdb import InfluxDBClient

# using Http
client = InfluxDBClient(database='dbname')
client = InfluxDBClient(host='', port=8086, database='dbname')
client = InfluxDBClient(host='', port=8086, username='root', password='root', database='dbname')

# using UDP
client = InfluxDBClient(host='', database='dbname', use_udp=True, udp_port=4444)

To write pandas DataFrames or to read data into a pandas DataFrame, use a DataFrameClient object. These clients are initiated in the same way as the InfluxDBClient:

from influxdb import DataFrameClient

client = DataFrameClient(host='', port=8086, username='root', password='root', database='dbname')


Only when using UDP (use_udp=True) the connections is established.


class influxdb.InfluxDBClient(host=u'localhost', port=8086, username=u'root', password=u'root', database=None, ssl=False, verify_ssl=False, timeout=None, retries=3, use_udp=False, udp_port=4444, proxies=None)

InfluxDBClient primary client object to connect InfluxDB.

The InfluxDBClient object holds information necessary to connect to InfluxDB. Requests can be made to InfluxDB directly through the client.

  • host (str) – hostname to connect to InfluxDB, defaults to ‘localhost’
  • port (int) – port to connect to InfluxDB, defaults to 8086
  • username (str) – user to connect, defaults to ‘root’
  • password (str) – password of the user, defaults to ‘root’
  • database (str) – database name to connect to, defaults to None
  • ssl (bool) – use https instead of http to connect to InfluxDB, defaults to False
  • verify_ssl (bool) – verify SSL certificates for HTTPS requests, defaults to False
  • timeout (int) – number of seconds Requests will wait for your client to establish a connection, defaults to None
  • retries (int) – number of retries your client will try before aborting, defaults to 3. 0 indicates try until success
  • use_udp (bool) – use UDP to connect to InfluxDB, defaults to False
  • udp_port (int) – UDP port to connect to InfluxDB, defaults to 4444
  • proxies (dict) – HTTP(S) proxy to use for Requests, defaults to {}
alter_retention_policy(name, database=None, duration=None, replication=None, default=None)

Mofidy an existing retention policy for a database.

  • name (str) – the name of the retention policy to modify
  • database (str) – the database for which the retention policy is modified. Defaults to current client’s database
  • duration (str) – the new duration of the existing retention policy. Durations such as 1h, 90m, 12h, 7d, and 4w, are all supported and mean 1 hour, 90 minutes, 12 hours, 7 day, and 4 weeks, respectively. For infinite retention, meaning the data will never be deleted, use ‘INF’ for duration. The minimum retention period is 1 hour.
  • replication (int) – the new replication of the existing retention policy
  • default (bool) – whether or not to set the modified policy as default


at least one of duration, replication, or default flag should be set. Otherwise the operation will fail.


Close http session.


Create a new database in InfluxDB.

Parameters:dbname (str) – the name of the database to create
create_retention_policy(name, duration, replication, database=None, default=False)

Create a retention policy for a database.

  • name (str) – the name of the new retention policy
  • duration (str) – the duration of the new retention policy. Durations such as 1h, 90m, 12h, 7d, and 4w, are all supported and mean 1 hour, 90 minutes, 12 hours, 7 day, and 4 weeks, respectively. For infinite retention - meaning the data will never be deleted - use ‘INF’ for duration. The minimum retention period is 1 hour.
  • replication (str) – the replication of the retention policy
  • database (str) – the database for which the retention policy is created. Defaults to current client’s database
  • default (bool) – whether or not to set the policy as default
create_user(username, password, admin=False)

Create a new user in InfluxDB.

  • username (str) – the new username to create
  • password (str) – the password for the new user
  • admin (boolean) – whether the user should have cluster administration privileges or not
delete_series(database=None, measurement=None, tags=None)

Delete series from a database.

Series can be filtered by measurement and tags.

  • database (str) – the database from which the series should be deleted, defaults to client’s current database
  • measurement (str) – Delete all series from a measurement
  • tags (dict) – Delete all series that match given tags

Drop a database from InfluxDB.

Parameters:dbname (str) – the name of the database to drop
drop_retention_policy(name, database=None)

Drop an existing retention policy for a database.

  • name (str) – the name of the retention policy to drop
  • database (str) – the database for which the retention policy is dropped. Defaults to current client’s database

Drop a user from InfluxDB.

Parameters:username (str) – the username to drop
classmethod from_dsn(dsn, **kwargs)

Generate an instance of InfluxDBClient from given data source name.

Return an instance of InfluxDBClient from the provided data source name. Supported schemes are “influxdb”, “https+influxdb” and “udp+influxdb”. Parameters for the InfluxDBClient constructor may also be passed to this method.

  • dsn (string) – data source name
  • kwargs (dict) – additional parameters for InfluxDBClient

ValueError – if the provided DSN has any unexpected values

>> cli = InfluxDBClient.from_dsn('influxdb://username:password@\
localhost:8086/databasename', timeout=5)
>> type(cli)
<class 'influxdb.client.InfluxDBClient'>
>> cli = InfluxDBClient.from_dsn('udp+influxdb://username:pass@\
localhost:8086/databasename', timeout=5, udp_port=159)
>> print('{0._baseurl} - {0.use_udp} {0.udp_port}'.format(cli))
http://localhost:8086 - True 159


parameters provided in **kwargs may override dsn parameters


when using “udp+influxdb” the specified port (if any) will be used for the TCP connection; specify the UDP port with the additional udp_port parameter (cf. examples).


Get the list of databases in InfluxDB.

Returns:all databases in InfluxDB
Return type:list of dictionaries
>> dbs = client.get_list_database()
>> dbs
[{u'name': u'db1'}, {u'name': u'db2'}, {u'name': u'db3'}]

Get the list of all privileges granted to given user.

Parameters:username (str) – the username to get privileges of
Returns:all privileges granted to given user
Return type:list of dictionaries
>> privileges = client.get_list_privileges('user1')
>> privileges
[{u'privilege': u'WRITE', u'database': u'db1'},
 {u'privilege': u'ALL PRIVILEGES', u'database': u'db2'},
 {u'privilege': u'NO PRIVILEGES', u'database': u'db3'}]

Get the list of retention policies for a database.

Parameters:database (str) – the name of the database, defaults to the client’s current database
Returns:all retention policies for the database
Return type:list of dictionaries
>> ret_policies = client.get_list_retention_policies('my_db')
>> ret_policies
[{u'default': True,
  u'duration': u'0',
  u'name': u'default',
  u'replicaN': 1}]

Get the list of all users in InfluxDB.

Returns:all users in InfluxDB
Return type:list of dictionaries
>> users = client.get_list_users()
>> users
[{u'admin': True, u'user': u'user1'},
 {u'admin': False, u'user': u'user2'},
 {u'admin': False, u'user': u'user3'}]

Grant cluster administration privileges to a user.

Parameters:username (str) – the username to grant privileges to


Only a cluster administrator can create/drop databases and manage users.

grant_privilege(privilege, database, username)

Grant a privilege on a database to a user.

  • privilege (str) – the privilege to grant, one of ‘read’, ‘write’ or ‘all’. The string is case-insensitive
  • database (str) – the database to grant the privilege on
  • username (str) – the username to grant the privilege to
query(query, params=None, epoch=None, expected_response_code=200, database=None, raise_errors=True, chunked=False, chunk_size=0)

Send a query to InfluxDB.

  • query (str) – the actual query string
  • params (dict) – additional parameters for the request, defaults to {}
  • epoch (str) – response timestamps to be in epoch format either ‘h’, ‘m’, ‘s’, ‘ms’, ‘u’, or ‘ns’,defaults to None which is RFC3339 UTC format with nanosecond precision
  • expected_response_code (int) – the expected status code of response, defaults to 200
  • database (str) – database to query, defaults to None
  • raise_errors (bool) – Whether or not to raise exceptions when InfluxDB returns errors, defaults to True
  • chunked (bool) – Enable to use chunked responses from InfluxDB. With chunked enabled, one ResultSet is returned per chunk containing all results within that chunk
  • chunk_size (int) – Size of each chunk to tell InfluxDB to use.

the queried data

Return type:


request(url, method=u'GET', params=None, data=None, expected_response_code=200, headers=None)

Make a HTTP request to the InfluxDB API.

  • url (str) – the path of the HTTP request, e.g. write, query, etc.
  • method (str) – the HTTP method for the request, defaults to GET
  • params (dict) – additional parameters for the request, defaults to None
  • data (str) – the data of the request, defaults to None
  • expected_response_code (int) – the expected response code of the request, defaults to 200
  • headers (dict) – headers to add to the request

the response from the request

Return type:


  • InfluxDBServerError – if the response code is any server error code (5xx)
  • InfluxDBClientError – if the response code is not the same as expected_response_code and is not a server error code

Revoke cluster administration privileges from a user.

Parameters:username (str) – the username to revoke privileges from


Only a cluster administrator can create/ drop databases and manage users.

revoke_privilege(privilege, database, username)

Revoke a privilege on a database from a user.

  • privilege (str) – the privilege to revoke, one of ‘read’, ‘write’ or ‘all’. The string is case-insensitive
  • database (str) – the database to revoke the privilege on
  • username (str) – the username to revoke the privilege from
send_packet(packet, protocol=u'json')

Send an UDP packet.

  • packet ((if protocol is 'json') dict (if protocol is 'line') sequence of line protocol strings) – the packet to be sent
  • protocol (str) – protocol of input data, either ‘json’ or ‘line’
set_user_password(username, password)

Change the password of an existing user.

  • username (str) – the username who’s password is being changed
  • password (str) – the new password for the user

Change the client’s database.

Parameters:database (str) – the name of the database to switch to
switch_user(username, password)

Change the client’s username.

  • username (str) – the username to switch to
  • password (str) – the password for the username
write(data, params=None, expected_response_code=204, protocol=u'json')

Write data to InfluxDB.

  • data ((if protocol is 'json') dict (if protocol is 'line') sequence of line protocol strings) – the data to be written
  • params (dict) – additional parameters for the request, defaults to None
  • expected_response_code (int) – the expected response code of the write operation, defaults to 204
  • protocol (str) – protocol of input data, either ‘json’ or ‘line’

True, if the write operation is successful

Return type:


write_points(points, time_precision=None, database=None, retention_policy=None, tags=None, batch_size=None, protocol=u'json')

Write to multiple time series names.

  • points (list of dictionaries, each dictionary represents a point) – the list of points to be written in the database
  • time_precision (str) – Either ‘s’, ‘m’, ‘ms’ or ‘u’, defaults to None
  • database (str) – the database to write the points to. Defaults to the client’s current database
  • tags (dict) – a set of key-value pairs associated with each point. Both keys and values must be strings. These are shared tags and will be merged with point-specific tags, defaults to None
  • retention_policy (str) – the retention policy for the points. Defaults to None
  • batch_size (int) – value to write the points in batches instead of all at one time. Useful for when doing data dumps from one database to another or when doing a massive write operation, defaults to None
  • protocol (str) – Protocol for writing data. Either ‘line’ or ‘json’.

True, if the operation is successful

Return type:



if no retention policy is specified, the default retention policy for the database is used


class influxdb.DataFrameClient(*a, **kw)

DataFrameClient default class instantiation.

err = ImportError('No module named pandas',)


class influxdb.SeriesHelper(**kw)

Subclass this helper eases writing data points in bulk.

All data points are immutable, ensuring they do not get overwritten. Each subclass can write to its own database. The time series names can also be based on one or more defined fields. The field “time” can be specified when creating a point, and may be any of the time types supported by the client (i.e. str, datetime, int). If the time is not specified, the current system time (utc) will be used.

Annotated example:

class MySeriesHelper(SeriesHelper):
    class Meta:
        # Meta class stores time series helper configuration.
        series_name = 'events.stats.{server_name}'
        # Series name must be a string, curly brackets for dynamic use.
        fields = ['time', 'server_name']
        # Defines all the fields in this time series.
        ### Following attributes are optional. ###
        client = TestSeriesHelper.client
        # Client should be an instance of InfluxDBClient.
        :warning: Only used if autocommit is True.
        bulk_size = 5
        # Defines the number of data points to write simultaneously.
        # Only applicable if autocommit is True.
        autocommit = True
        # If True and no bulk_size, then will set bulk_size to 1.
classmethod commit(client=None)

Commit everything from datapoints via the client.

Parameters:client – InfluxDBClient instance for writing points to InfluxDB.
Attention:any provided client will supersede the class client.
Returns:result of client.write_points.


See the Query response object: ResultSet page for more information.

class influxdb.resultset.ResultSet(series, raise_errors=True)

A wrapper around a single InfluxDB query result.


Error returned by InfluxDB.

get_points(measurement=None, tags=None)

Return a generator for all the points that match the given filters.

  • measurement (str) – The measurement name
  • tags (dict) – Tags to look for

Points generator


Return the set of items from the ResultSet.

Returns:List of tuples, (key, generator)

Return the list of keys in the ResultSet.

Returns:List of keys. Keys are tuples (serie_name, tags)
static point_from_cols_vals(cols, vals)

Create a dict from columns and values lists.

  • cols – List of columns
  • vals – List of values

Dict where keys are columns.


Raw JSON from InfluxDB.