Query response object: ResultSet

Using the InfluxDBClient.query() function will return a ResultSet Object.

A ResultSet can be browsed in several ways. Its get_points method can be used to retrieve points generators that filter either by measurement, tags, or both.

Getting all points

Using rs.get_points() will return a generator for all the points in the ResultSet.

Filtering by measurement

Using rs.get_points('cpu') will return a generator for all the points that are in a serie with measurement name cpu, no matter the tags.

rs = cli.query("SELECT * from cpu")
cpu_points = list(rs.get_points(measurement='cpu'))

Filtering by tags

Using rs.get_points(tags={'host_name': 'influxdb.com'}) will return a generator for all the points that are tagged with the specified tags, no matter the measurement name.

rs = cli.query("SELECT * from cpu")
cpu_influxdb_com_points = list(rs.get_points(tags={"host_name": "influxdb.com"}))

Filtering by measurement and tags

Using measurement name and tags will return a generator for all the points that are in a serie with the specified measurement name AND whose tags match the given tags.

rs = cli.query("SELECT * from cpu")
points = list(rs.get_points(measurement='cpu', tags={'host_name': 'influxdb.com'}))

See the API Documentation page for more information.